Torsten Weber • 1. Januar 2023
Dear friends,
I am a big fan of true diversity. It has actually been the underlying assumption of my identity and purpose as a “bridge”: Bringing people, filter bubbles and ideas together that would not meet otherwise. In recent years unfortunately, “diversity” has often been reduced to a feel-good concept with bounded plurality. As a facilitator and conflict mediator however, I am constantly reminded that dealing with true diversity sometimes hurts and that it needs courage, regular training, and practice in daily life.
When I therefore proposed this Citizen Hack for the first time many years ago, we had a good conversation among a circle of friends: Some were so honest to admit that they would only advocate for others with dissenting views to be heard IF these others somewhat shared the same values. “Sorry to be blunt”, I replied then: “This is simply not enough for citizens in a pluralistic democracy! If all of us draw such narrow circles around us, productive dialogue will be made impossible.”
Today, I would phrase it even more drastically! As diverse as the objectives and values of the many filter bubbles in society may be, as similar are the internal interaction patterns in the respective bubbles at the extreme poles: Like-minded people cultivate closed, unambiguous world views, happily utilise the most radical statements of the other side to strengthen their self-perception of being in the mainstream, immunise themselves with mantra-like formulas, devalue deviations from their own norm “ad hominem”, and applaud enthusiastically the virtue signalling of peers!
The post-1945 world might not have felt like this for some, but democracy is always VUCA and “failing forward” by design. It therefore requires the intellectual and moral strength of a critical number of citizens who can deal productively with uncomfortable antagonism. Which naturally results from the co-existence of diverse echo chambers in a society. Fighting for the rights of political opponents is therefore a crucial citizen skill, it is the litmus test for citizens!
I wish you a good fight for liberal and pluralistic democracy this year.
Best wishes,
© Torsten Weber 2025